전체 글
20220913 masculinity 잡설잡설 2022. 9. 18. 10:35
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/masculinity?fbclid=IwAR3tm3t1CbcZE4qfO_n3sWM7e1aV3KGgyYlahbYHYa6nOZGyB52BLHU6DVQ Masculinity - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics Overview and Theories of Masculinity Within broad definitions of health and wellness, gender figures significantly in individuals’ feelings, thoughts, appearance, behavior, and embodiment. Masculinity is a fo..
20220622 Texting Game잡설 2022. 6. 22. 21:36
https://riseabovelifestyle.com/pua-texting-game-without-the-tricks-8-easy-tips/?fbclid=IwAR14sNR7lYX190a_xI01bmPewqFGHmbYHQh9d8ZK8HHnAY88jK7IiUUKwhs&fs=e&s=cl PUA Texting Game Made Simple in 6 Easy Tips I RiseAboveLifestyle.com PUA Texting Game - 100% easier. Learn these quick and easy rules on how to increase her replies, responses, and getting the results you want! riseabovelifestyle.com #Tips..
20220606 SocioSexualHierarchy잡설 2022. 6. 6. 22:13
https://youtu.be/1Ua2XnYlm-o #SocioSexualHierarchy https://theadultman.com/love-and-lust/socio-sexual-hierarchy/ The Socio Sexual Hierarchy Explained: Where Do You Rank? The socio sexual hierarchy divides men into six different rankings. Learn the key traits, benefits, and drawbacks of each, and find out where you're at. theadultman.com 남성 집단과 유형별 속성에 관심과 호기심이 있을 경우에만 접근할 것. “위계”적 속성임. —— 세계대전 막..
20220603 Shit Test잡설 2022. 6. 4. 06:28
https://www.lovepanky.com/men/understanding-women/shit-test Shit Test: What It Is, 17 Ways Girls Use It & How to Pass It In Style Have you ever heard of a shit test? If not, you need to read this because a woman just might give you one. And you need to be prepared so you don’t fail. www.lovepanky.com #ShitTest #dating 이것에 대해 이론적으로만 안다. 즉 이러한 고문을 본격적으로 겪어본 적은 없었다. 가장 친숙한 밈은 ‘나 살쪘지?’ ‘쟤(아이돌이나 연예인)..
22020529 동성애 용납도잡설 2022. 5. 29. 17:23
https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/06/25/global-divide-on-homosexuality-persists/?fbclid=IwAR1kKRZkPJHG59rP8VlxMdtZXeVvl7DrQ9r1OIgBpY6g-wSGH8UtCgTBfeM&fs=e&s=cl The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists Despite major changes in LGBT rights around the world, acceptance of homosexuality remains sharply divided by country, region and economic development. www.pewresearch.org #LGBT 동성애 용인에 대한..
20220528 Political Polarization잡설 2022. 5. 29. 09:13
https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2014/06/12/section-1-growing-ideological-consistency/?fbclid=IwAR0iibfj0MGykTqQjFEw6yV4BxRSRr5PDGjny030wKm4GCHHwvej19CmR3U&fs=e&s=cl Section 1: Growing Ideological Consistency As ideological consistency has become more common it is also increasingly aligned with partisanship. Looking at 10 political values questions tracked since 1994, more Democrats now give..
20220522 3F Bomb잡설 2022. 5. 22. 23:30
https://www.britannica.com/technology/nuclear-weapon/Principles-of-atomic-fission-weapons nuclear weapon | History, Facts, Types, Countries, Blast Radius, & Effects nuclear weapon, device designed to release energy in an explosive manner as a result of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or a combination of the two processes. Fission weapons are commonly referred to as atomic bombs. Fusion weapons ..
20220520 남성성의 명암잡설 2022. 5. 22. 10:03
https://www.hermessolenzol.com/en/post/masculine-virtues-and-their-dark-side?fbclid=IwAR3dtMSTwLUZpWDyEf_l4PQ3n3VB3vRMzw8r6-hsQDsxaUmIY7_JOPHvZoI Masculine Virtues - and Their Dark Side Masculinity is anchored in biological sex differences Our biological sex - being male or female - is an integral part of our humanity. Trying to ignore it would betray our most intimate nature. Gender may be a so..