#정치적분극화 는 민족성의 문제거나 거대 양당을 가진 나라의 문제가 아닌 듯 싶다. 한국에서 정치적 반목이 가장 강한 이유는 좌우 대립 때문이 아니라 온라인 활동과 소셜 미디어가 꽤 발달했기 때문이라고 믿고 싶다.
하지만 외환위기에서 가중되어 소외된 계층과 경제적 양극화도 분명히 영향을 미쳤을 것이다. 다만 법치의 예외나 치가 떨릴 정도로 지긋지긋한 빨갱이 타령이 꼴보기 싫을 뿐이다.
글로벌 현상이라는 근거를 찾기 위해 사람이 쓴 자료를 찾아보는 대신 챗봇에게 물어보는게 마땅한 일인지는 아직 잘 모르겠다.
같은 편을 찾고 성향이 다른 사람을 따 시키는 현상을 바로 이곳 '소셜 미디어' 지인에게서도 종종 보게되어 상기해 본 주제임.
공중파나 레거시 미디어가 온갖 성향을 가진 사람들에게 골고루 신뢰를 받으면 현상이 이렇게까지 심화되지는 않을까하는 추측을 해보지만, 그런 일이 일어나는 곳은 아마도 없을 것이다. 좌우 세대 성별 등 온갖 성향을 넘어서 신뢰를 받을만한 미디어는 이제는 아마도 챗봇 정도 뿐일 것이다.
AI 미디어의 시대가 온 것이다. 하지만 아마도 소셜미디어 업체의 성향에 따라 사용하는 챗봇들도 분화될 것이다.
The Political Polarization and Social Media: A Global Phenomenon
In recent years, political polarization has become a widespread issue in many countries around the world. This division is characterized by the increasing gap between individuals with differing political ideologies and beliefs, making it difficult for people to find common ground. The rise of social media has only magnified this phenomenon, as it has become a platform for individuals to express their political opinions and interact with others who share similar views.
Social media has become a breeding ground for political echo chambers, where users only interact with others who have similar opinions. This creates a reinforcement of their beliefs and a skewed view of the opposing side, leading to greater division and a further lack of understanding. For example, in the United States, individuals who identify as conservative may only follow conservative news outlets and engage with like-minded individuals on social media, while those who identify as liberal do the same with liberal news sources.
Moreover, social media also allows for the spread of misinformation and false information. The algorithms used by these platforms often prioritize content that generates the most engagement, regardless of its accuracy. This has led to the spread of conspiracy theories and false information, further fueling political polarization. In addition, social media has also been used as a tool for political propaganda and manipulation, with governments and political organizations using the platform to spread their messages and influence public opinion.
The effects of political polarization and social media can be seen in countries around the world. In India, for example, social media has become a platform for the spread of misinformation and hate speech, leading to violence and division between communities. In Brazil, the spread of false information on social media has contributed to the country's political polarization, making it difficult for the government to address the needs of its citizens.
In conclusion, the rise of political polarization and its connection to social media is a global phenomenon that has significant implications for democracy and the functioning of societies. It is essential for individuals to be critical of the information they encounter on these platforms and to seek out diverse perspectives to ensure a well-informed and inclusive public discourse. Social media companies also have a responsibility to address the issue by implementing measures to limit the spread of misinformation and promoting a more diverse range of perspectives.