20230416 복잡성잡설 2023. 4. 16. 02:03 The Eight Fundamental Thresholds of Big HistoryHere, we'll take a high-level look at the eight fundamental thresholds of Big History and the material covered within each #BigHistory and #thresholds 그동안 벌어진 일을 개괄하고 창발적인 사건들이 벌어진 것을 조망하다보면 Next 가 궁금해진다. 그런데 임계값 또는 임계점은 무엇으로 구분할까. 복잡성과 창발성이다. 따라서 인공 초지능이나 인..
Big Historyask chatbot 2023. 2. 22. 17:45
Big history and thresholds with entropy role. make blog. In the study of history, there are certain points that are considered to be significant turning points or thresholds, where the course of human history was forever changed. Big History, an interdisciplinary approach to studying history, takes a unique approach to understanding these thresholds by examining the role of entropy. Entropy is a..